The candle and the diamond.

A jewel thief, while making his escape, was wounded by his victim. Hoping to hide, the robber fled into a secret cave where he lit a candle, thinking to bandage his injury by its light. His gambit, however, proved vain, and he quickly succumbed to death, releasing from his hand the prize he had stolen: a magnificent cut diamond.

The diamond, glistening by the candle's flame, suddenly lamented “No one will ever find us here. Just think, after gracing the noble necks of countless rulers of the world, my fate is to be forever interned here, a diamond among the crude rocks of this cave.”

“Cherish your pride while you can,” replied the candle, “for my hour draws near. And as I dim and flicker out, so too will your brilliance.”

A diamond's shine is not its own.